Weisswurst German Sausage

Are you curious about the history and recipe of the Weisswurst?

It's a fancy German sausage that's been enjoyed for ages (more on German sausages here).

Let's jump in and learn about this tasty treat — where it comes from, how it's made, and the best way to enjoy it.

The Weisswurst, which means "white sausage," started in Munich, Germany, in the 19th century. It's made with minced veal, pork backfat, and spices like parsley, mace, and lemon zest.

Now, the traditional way to serve this sausage is boiled, and it's usually accompanied by sweet mustard, pretzels, and a nice glass of wheat beer.

In this article, we'll explore the fascinating history of the Weisswurst, share a classic recipe, and give you some tips for a truly authentic experience.

History and Origins of Weisswurst German Sausage

Get ready for a sausage adventure! Let's dive into the fascinating history of Weisswurst, a traditional German delicacy from the 19th century.

The story goes that it was created by a Munich butcher named Sepp Moser in 1857. He wanted to make a sausage that people could enjoy for breakfast, and that's how the Weisswurst came to be.

A Bavarian Tradition

Hailing from Bavaria, the Weisswurst quickly became a beloved regional speciality. It's typically made from minced veal and pork backfat, with added flavours like parsley, lemon zest, mace, onions, ginger, and cardamom. The mixture is then stuffed into pork casings, creating these cute, plump sausages.

The "White Sausage"

Why is it called Weisswurst? Well, in English, that translates to "white sausage," and it's all because of its pale appearance.

You see, it's made without any curing agents or preservatives. Instead, it's cooked shortly after it's made to preserve its delicate flavour.

Time to Eat

Now for the best part—eating!

Traditionally, people enjoy Weisswurst as a mid-morning meal or a late breakfast. It's often served with sweet mustard, pretzels, and freshly baked bread rolls.

When it comes to eating it, you have a couple of options: peel off the skin or slice open the sausage lengthwise and scoop out the filling with a spoon. Both are delicious ways!

So, if you find yourself in Germany, don't miss out on trying the famous Weisswurst.

It's a taste of history and a true culinary delight that we are sure you'll enjoy.

Traditional Recipe for Making Weisswurst

Ready to make your own Weisswurst German sausage?

Here's a traditional recipe to get you started.

  • Step 1: Start by grinding up the meat. You'll need a mixture of veal and pork shoulder. Grind them together until they're well combined and have a nice, smooth texture.
  • Step 2: Time to spice things up! In a separate bowl, mix together the spices — salt, white pepper, mace, parsley, and lemon zest. Make sure everything is well combined.
  • Step 3: Now, let's mix the meat and spices. Add the spice mixture to the ground meat and mix it all up until it's perfectly blended together. You're looking for a slightly sticky texture.
  • Step 4: Let's stuff those sausages! Use a sausage stuffer to fill natural hog casings with the meat mixture. Give them a little twist to create links that are about 4-6 inches long.
  • Step 5: It's time to poach those sausages. Get a pot of water simmering and gently add the sausages. Let them poach for around 20 minutes or until they're thoroughly cooked.
  • Step 6: All that's left to do is serve and savour. Enjoy your freshly made Weisswurst hot with some mustard, pretzels, and sauerkraut. It's a classic Bavarian dish that's perfect for breakfast or lunch.

Now that you have the recipe, it's time to get cooking and relish in the delicious taste of homemade Weisswurst.

Key Ingredients in Weisswurst

When it comes to the delicious Weisswurst German sausage, the secret lies in its simple yet flavorful combination of ingredients, let's take a closer look at what goes into crafting this mouthwatering sausage.

Veal or Beef

Traditionally, Weisswurst is crafted using tender veal, which gives it that delicate flavour and texture. However, in some variations, beef may also be used. The choice of meat can vary depending on personal preference and regional traditions.

Pork Fat

To add juiciness and richness to the sausage, a touch of pork fat is often included in the mixture. This not only keeps the sausage moist while cooking but also enhances its overall flavour.


Fresh parsley is a key player in Weisswurst, bringing in a fresh and vibrant herbaceous flavour. It adds a delightful touch of brightness to the sausage and complements the other ingredients beautifully.


Sweet and savoury onions are used to add depth to the sausage. They enhance the savoury flavours and create a well-rounded taste that is simply irresistible.

Ground Spices

A delectable blend of ground spices, including salt, white pepper, mace, and ginger, is used to season Weisswurst. These spices work their magic by enhancing the natural flavours of the meat and giving the sausage its distinctive taste.


A unique addition to the mixture is ice. Adding ice helps keep the ingredients cold, preventing the fat from melting too quickly. This results in a smooth and perfectly blended texture that is sure to impress.

These are the key ingredients that come together to create the deliciousness that is Weisswurst German sausage.

With its delightful combination of veal or beef, pork fat, parsley, onion, ground spices, and ice, this sausage offers a perfectly balanced and flavorful experience that is beloved by many.

Serving Suggestions and Accompaniments for Weisswurst

When it comes to Weisswurst, the classic German sausage, there are so many tasty accompaniments you can add to enhance your dining experience. Let's dive in:

  • Mustard: You can't go wrong with a little mustard. It adds a tangy and zesty kick to the sausage.
  • Pretzels: Soft and fresh pretzels are a traditional and delicious choice to enjoy with Weisswurst.
  • Sauerkraut: The sour and crunchy sauerkraut perfectly complements the rich flavours of Weisswurst.
  • Obatzda: If you're feeling fancy, try some Obatzda. It's a Bavarian cheese spread made with Camembert, butter, onions, and spices. It'll take your Weisswurst to a whole new level.
  • Radishes: For a refreshing and crisp element, add some fresh radishes to balance out the richness of Weisswurst.
  • Beer: And what's a German meal without a cold and refreshing beer? Pair your Weisswurst with your favourite German brew for the ultimate culinary experience.

Feel free to mix and match, and get creative with your accompaniments.

The goal here is to make every bite of Weisswurst a truly memorable one.

Regional Variations of Weisswurst

Weisswurst, a beloved German sausage, has unique regional variations across the country. Each region adds its own twist to this traditional sausage. Let's take a closer look at some of these regional variations:

Bavarian Weisswurst

The Bavarian version of Weisswurst is the most well-known and deeply rooted in tradition. It's made with minced veal and pork back fat, spiced with parsley, mace, lemon zest, and onions. Traditionally, this sausage is served with sweet mustard and pretzels, creating a delightful flavour combination.

North German Weisswurst

In northern Germany, Weisswurst often incorporates a blend of pork and beef. It has a slightly different flavour profile, featuring the addition of garlic and spices like nutmeg and ginger. This variation is typically enjoyed with mustard and sauerkraut, providing a tangy and savoury combination.

Swabian Weisswurst

In the Swabian region of Germany, Weisswurst contains a higher proportion of pork and is seasoned with onions, parsley, and lemon zest. It's commonly accompanied by potato salad or sauerkraut and mustard, creating a satisfying and well-balanced meal.

These examples represent just a snapshot of the diverse regional variations of Weisswurst found throughout Germany. Each region takes pride in its unique recipe and serving traditions, showcasing the vibrant culinary experience that Weisswurst offers.

Weisswurst Festivals and Traditions in Germany

Weisswurst, the traditional Bavarian sausage, is not just a food—it's a celebration! In Germany, Weisswurst festivals and traditions bring people together to enjoy this delicious delicacy. Let's explore some of the most popular festivals and traditions dedicated to Weisswurst:


Every spring, during the Starkbierzeit (Strong Beer Season), locals gather to enjoy hearty food and strong beer. And, of course, platters of Weisswurst are always part of the celebration. It's a time to embrace Bavarian culture and traditions, with lively music, dancing, and plenty of laughter.


The Weisswurstfrühstück (Weisswurst Breakfast) is a beloved Bavarian tradition that goes way back. It's all about indulging in Weisswurst in the morning, usually paired with pretzels, sweet mustard, and a refreshing pint of beer. This tradition has been around since the 19th century when Weisswurst was first created.


No discussion of German festivals would be complete without mentioning Oktoberfest. It's the ultimate celebration of Bavarian culture, and Weisswurst is a must-have on the menu. Visitors can savour Weisswurst along with other traditional dishes while immersing themselves in the festive atmosphere, joining in traditional dances, and playing games.


Weisswurstessen (Weisswurst Eating) is a tradition that involves enjoying Weisswurst at a specific time of day. According to tradition, Weisswurst should only be eaten before the church bells ring at noon. This practice originated from the need to consume fresh sausages before refrigeration was widely available. Nowadays, Weisswurstessen is more of a cultural custom, often enjoyed with friends and family during weekend brunches.


Volksfeste, or folk festivals, are celebrated throughout Germany, especially in Bavaria. These festivals are filled with amusement rides, games, lively music, and, of course, mouthwatering food—including Weisswurst. Whether it's the Frühlingsfest in spring or the Winter-Tollwood in winter, Weisswurst always holds a special place at these vibrant and thrilling gatherings.

So, if you ever find yourself in Germany, make sure to join in on the Weisswurst festivities and traditions. It's a unique way to experience the Bavarian culture, immerse yourself in the celebration, and indulge in the flavours of this iconic German sausage.

Health Considerations of Eating Weisswurst

So, let's talk about Weisswurst, that delish German sausage that we all love. But, we gotta keep it real and consider the health side of things.

  • High in Fat: Weisswurst is usually made with pork and veal — which means it can pack a punch in the fat department. Be mindful of portion sizes to keep that fat intake in check.
  • Sodium Content: Like most sausages, Weisswurst can be pretty high in sodium. So, if you've got high blood pressure or any other sensitivity to sodium, watch your intake.
  • Processed Meat Risks: Processed meats, like Weisswurst, have been linked to higher risks of certain health issues (like heart disease and certain types of cancer). So, it's a smart move to limit your consumption and explore healthier alternatives.
  • Allergen Concerns: Weisswurst often contains ingredients that some folks are allergic to — like milk or wheat. So, if you've got any food allergies, make sure to check the ingredient list before indulging.

Keep in mind — enjoying Weisswurst every now and then is perfectly fine. But to stay on the healthy side, make sure to mix it up with a variety of nutritious foods.

Remember, balance is everything. And when it comes to personalized advice on your diet, it's always wise to consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian.

Where to Find and Buy Weisswurst

Craving some delicious Weisswurst? Here's the scoop on where to find it:

  • German Butcher Shops: Check out local German butcher shops or specialty meat stores. They've got the real deal - authentic Weisswurst made with traditional recipes.
  • Online Retailers: Need Weisswurst delivered to your doorstep? Look no further than online retailers. They've got a wide variety of German sausages, including Weisswurst.
  • German Restaurants: Want the full experience? Head to a German restaurant near you. Some places have a whole menu dedicated to traditional German dishes, including Weisswurst.
  • Bavarian Festivals: Feeling lucky? Attend a Bavarian festival and you're in for a treat. Weisswurst is a staple at these festivals, giving you the chance to try the authentic stuff and soak up German culture.

Once you get your hands on some Weisswurst, make sure to savor every bite.


So there you have it! Weisswurst German sausage is a popular and iconic dish with an interesting backstory and regional twist. The traditional recipe combines veal, pork, parsley, and spices for a truly mouthwatering flavour. And don't forget the delicious accompaniments like pretzels, sweet mustard, and sauerkraut!

Of course, it's worth mentioning that Weisswurst is on the indulgent side.

It's high in fat and calories, so it's best enjoyed in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet.

Treating yourself to this delightful sausage every once in a while can be a real joy. You can easily find Weisswurst at German butcher shops, speciality food stores, and even online.

So why not seize the opportunity to savour a taste of Germany?

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