As a real Berliner I know how to prepare the currywurst TO PERFECTION. Also, my curry tomato sauce is homemade and you will not taste it anywhere else!"
~ Katja Harchen, owner.
Award winning sausages
Homemade curry tomato sauce
Really friendly staff, fantastic service
Quick and easy booking
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Hi Katja; one more week, one more interview.
This week we're going to look into street food for hire (London area, as always, of course) and I'd like to know your view regarding this particular topic. Is this something you provide with your business?
Most definitely. My private catering services are available to be hired for any special occasion (weddings, hen nights, office parties, corporate events, christenings, anniversaries, Christmas parties, surprise parties... you name it, bish bash bosh we're there.
Sounds good. I actually think its is very exciting to bring a stall or cute trailer like yours to a private party. It just adds such a great spot to any event.
This little trailer attracts a lot of people because of the size and shape. We're "very German in the pod". I mean, every product we have is German. We have the high table also the same as you would find in Germany because if you order a currywurst or bratwurst in Germany you would have it on one of these high tables, right there and then. This is the beauty about it, you stand by the table and eat your tasty currywurst.
We also play the german music so people find it funny because it's different. Some Germans stand there (here in London) and say it takes them right back to Germany. You know, it's fun. Always friendly and smiling and giving 100% perfect customer service. It is in our nature, it's what we do best.
You say we, who's we?
Whoever stands there with me.
So how many people stand inside the pod or stall? Who do you work with usually?
That really depends on the event. At the Vibe Bar (in Brick Lane, London), it was just mainly me working at the gazebo.
IN the pod it is me or if we go to festivals is me and Justina. Or, we have a lovely guy called Dominique - he works in teh gazebo when I'm in the trailer.
Do you think that street food for hire is something that will become more trendy as time go by or that it is something that could interest people who've never really considered it as an option?
You mean for a party? To hire it?
I think it's very popular on events around Xmas time. It slowly but surely more and more popular. People hire popups for pubs, restaurants, etc.
The benefit of hiring a popup is that you get all the service: someone is doing all the work for you and you don't have to worry about making the food. Someone basically just comes to your event, opens up the trailer or gazebo, prepares the food, cleans, goes home and all you have to do is enjoy the service.
So it's simple, easy, clean and a lot of fun! It takes a lot of worry away from you.
But why pop up gazebo hire and not just hiring a chef or caterers? Why street food stall hire instead of, let's say, having people bring in the trays of food and leave? What are the real benefits?
Because, in my case, I'm sorry to say, I would say I get a a lot of compliments for the look and feel of both my gazebo and trailer. They really are funky and add that little special something to any corner of the event.
The atmosphere, people taking photos, especially of the design. Every time I'm at festivals people make comments about the pig (Saucey), they love the name (Bish Bash Bangers) and a lot of them take photos.
It makes makes people laugh and smile and that's the beauty of it. Of course you can hire a cook but in an office, for example, where are they going to get it all prepared? I think it's more fun to hire a street food stall. A funky looking one like ours which serves food in a way that is a lot of fun.
Lots of people are doing Oktoberfest themes and with us they love not only our fantastic authentic German, but also the aprons, the music, the general feel... it can be the hell of a lot of fun!
Why would I choose you? What makes you different to the rest? In fact, if I'm looking into street food london hire and I'm not sure of which type is great for my particular party/event, what makes you and grilled German sausages a good choice?
First of all I think my food is really 'easy going' especially for parties because a sausage and a beer is simple and fantastic. My food is very tasty.
Most of all people look for great hygiene (I have a 5 star rating at the moment); I guarantee 150% great service, friendliness, quality of food as well as preparing everything with my best ingredient: love.
For me it's not just about money. Of course I want to make a living but it's very important for me to please the customer 150%.
So if a potential customer calls asking for street food vendors for hire and they're not sure if German sausages would be ideal for their particular event, I would basically ask what sort of people are going to attend, I also ask them if they have a lot of vegetarian people or if for whatever reason they don't eat certain foods like pork. Then I advise the to think about the sort of street food that would be more satisfactory for their party.
I would be happy to recommend good food stalls I've come across in the past that I think are fantastic. It's all about the people, the party, the customers to be happy at the end of the day. That's something that is very important to me.
If you had to choose street food vans to hire would you say your pod is the cutest thing ever?? (I know, I'm biased)
Well, truth is that it's the cutest that I found for my budget. Of course, in the future, I dream of (oops, not saying, not giving away ideas yet : ).
So yes, I do think my pod is very cute and funky looking but I also have seen a lot of other cool looking trucks (not so much gazebos, really).
Brilliant. Thanks a lot again for a lovely chat. And I'll see you next week for our next interview! Have fun, take care, and goodbye everyone!
Bye 🙂
[thb_message type="notice"]Bish Bash Bangers is a mobile catering business that brings the authentic German currywurst to London. [/thb_message]
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