All About the Mettwurst German Sausage

Do you have inquiries regarding Mettwurst, one of the cherished sausages from Germany?

You're in the right place to find answers. Join us on a journey that will take you from its ancient origins to the art of crafting it yourself. Stay with us for an enriching experience!

Mettwurst stands as a cherished German culinary treasure, cherished across the ages. In this article, we thoroughly explore its historical roots, scrutinize its ingredients and production process, and generously provide a delectable recipe for you to savour in the comfort of your kitchen.

Prepare to delight your taste buds with an exquisite culinary adventure!

History of Mettwurst German Sausage

Mettwurst is a traditional German sausage with a rich and fascinating history. Its origins can be traced back to Germany's culinary heritage, particularly in the northern regions, where it has been enjoyed for centuries.

The name "Mettwurst" itself provides some insight into its history. "Mett" in German refers to minced or ground pork, and "Wurst" means sausage. Mettwurst is a type of sausage made primarily from minced or ground pork mixed with various seasonings and spices.

Historically, Mettwurst was developed as a means of preserving meat at a time when refrigeration was not readily available. It was a way to extend the shelf life of pork by mixing it with salt and spices and then allowing it to air-dry or ferment. This preservation process made the sausage more durable and imparted unique flavours and textures to it.

Different regions of Germany have variations of Mettwurst, each with its distinct characteristics and flavours. For example, the northern regions, such as Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, have a long tradition of making Mettwurst. These sausages may vary in terms of spiciness, consistency, and curing methods, reflecting local preferences and ingredients.

Over time, Mettwurst has evolved, and various recipes have emerged. While it was initially a practical method of preserving meat, it has become a beloved culinary tradition in Germany and is now enjoyed for its flavour and versatility. It is commonly served as a snack, on sandwiches, or as part of a charcuterie platter.

Mettwurst is a testament to Germany's culinary heritage, rooted in the need for meat preservation. Its history spans centuries, and today, it continues to be a cherished sausage variety known for its diverse regional variations and delicious taste.

Traditional Recipe for Mettwurst German Sausage


  • 1.5 pounds of ground pork shoulder
  • 1.5 pounds of ground beef
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground caraway
  • 1/4 teaspoon of paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup of ice water
  • Sausage casings


  1. In a big bowl, mix the ground pork shoulder and ground beef.
  2. Add salt, black pepper, garlic powder, coriander, caraway, paprika, and ground nutmeg to the meat mixture. Mix well, making sure the spices are evenly distributed.
  3. Sprinkle the ice water into the meat mixture, using your hands to mix it until it becomes sticky and holds together.
  4. Prepare the sausage casings by rinsing them with cold water and soaking them in warm water for about 30 minutes.
  5. Stuff the meat mixture into the sausage casings, using a sausage stuffer or a sausage-making attachment for a meat grinder.
  6. Twist or tie off the casings at regular intervals to form individual sausages.
  7. Hang the sausages in a cool and dry place for about 24 hours to allow them to dry and develop flavour.
  8. Cook the Mettwurst sausages by grilling, frying, or boiling them until they are thoroughly cooked.
  9. Serve the hot Mettwurst sausages with your favourite accompaniments, such as sauerkraut, mustard, and crusty bread.

Types and Varieties of Mettwurst

Find below the various types and regional variations that make Mettwurst a diverse culinary delight.

  • Thüringer Mettwurst: This smoked sausage combines coarsely ground pork and beef from the Thuringia region.
  • Hannover Mettwurst: A cured sausage from Hannover, typically made with lean pork meat and back fat.
  • Oldenburger Mettwurst: Hailing from Oldenburg, this variety boasts a robust flavour and a coarse texture.
  • Berliner Mettwurst: A popular choice in Berlin, this sausage blends pork, beef, and spices and undergoes fermentation and smoking.
  • Rheinische Mettwurst: Found commonly in the Rhineland region, this variety combines pork and beef seasoned with flavours like garlic and pepper.

This is just a sampling of the wide range of Mettwurst varieties available.

Each offers its distinct flavours and characteristics, showcasing the culinary diversity of Germany.

Ingredients and Production Process of Mettwurst

Making Mettwurst is a delicate process involving a special selection of ingredients and a meticulous production process.

Let's take a closer look at what goes into creating this delicious German sausage.


Mettwurst typically consists of the following ingredients:

  • Pork: The main meat used in Mettwurst is pork, often sourced from the shoulder or belly.
  • Spices: Various spices are added to give Mettwurst its distinct flavour. This can include garlic, black pepper, coriander, and caraway seeds.
  • Salt: Salt is an essential component for curing and preserving the sausage.
  • Curing Agents: Nitrite or nitrate salts are commonly used as curing agents to aid in the preservation process and enhance the colour of the sausage.
  • Casing: Mettwurst is traditionally stuffed into natural casings, such as hog casings made from animal intestines.

Production Process

The production process of Mettwurst follows several key steps:

  1. Meat Preparation: The pork is carefully prepared by trimming excess fat and connective tissue, and then it is ground to the desired consistency.
  2. Spice Mixture: A blend of spices and curing agents infuses the sausage with its unique flavour profile.
  3. Seasoning: The ground meat is thoroughly mixed with the spice mixture to ensure an even distribution of flavours.
  4. Stuffing: The seasoned meat mixture is tightly packed into natural casings, shaping the sausage to the desired size and form.
  5. Curing and Drying: The stuffed sausages are placed in a controlled environment, such as a smokehouse or drying chamber, to undergo the curing and drying process, allowing the flavours to develop over time.
  6. Ageing: Mettwurst is often aged to enhance its flavour and tenderness after the curing process.
  7. Packaging: Once the sausages have reached the desired level of curing and ageing, they are packaged and ready for distribution and consumption.

The combination of high-quality ingredients, precise seasoning, and meticulous production techniques all contribute to the beloved taste of Mettwurst, making it a true delicacy of Germany.

Serving and Pairing Suggestions for Mettwurst

Ready to enjoy some mouthwatering Mettwurst? Here are some ideas to make your Mettwurst experience even more delightful:

  • Traditional German-style: Grab a fresh crusty bread roll or pretzel bun, top it with Mettwurst, sauerkraut, and mustard for an authentic taste of Germany.
  • Charcuterie board: Slice Mettwurst into thin rounds and add it to a charcuterie board with other cured meats, cheeses, pickles, and crackers— a perfect combination.
  • Grilled delight: Fire up the grill and cook Mettwurst until it's slightly charred. For a smoky and savoury treat, please put it in a bun with grilled onions and peppers.
  • Breakfast hash: Chop Mettwurst into small pieces and sauté it with potatoes, onions, and peppers to create a flavorful and hearty breakfast hash.
  • Pasta toss: Slice Mettwurst into thin strips and add it to your favourite pasta dish. Its smoky and savoury flavours go well with creamy or robust tomato-based sauces.
  • Baked casseroles: Use Mettwurst in baked casseroles like quiches or frittatas to add a burst of flavour to your dishes.
  • Soup enhancer: Add sliced or chopped Mettwurst to soups, stews, or chilis to give them a rich and hearty twist.

Don't forget to let your taste buds guide you and get creative with different flavours and combinations to find your favourite way to enjoy Mettwurst!

Nutritional Value of Mettwurst

Ever wonder what's in Mettwurst? Let's talk about the good stuff and health considerations, shall we?

What's Inside?

Mettwurst is a pretty good balance of nutrients. Here are the main ones:

  • Protein: Mettwurst is packed with protein, which helps build and repair tissues in your body. It's important for staying strong and healthy.
  • Fat: You'll find fats in Mettwurst, too. They give you energy and help your body absorb important nutrients. But remember, moderation is key.
  • Carbohydrates: Mettwurst is pretty low in carbs if that's what you're watching.

Keeping It Healthy

When it comes to Mettwurst or any processed meat, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Sodium Content: Mettwurst can be high in sodium, so if you're watching your salt intake, go easy on it.
  • Processed Meat Risks: Processed meats have been linked to certain health risks, like heart disease and certain types of cancer. So, it's best to enjoy Mettwurst as part of a balanced diet and not go overboard.

Like any food, it's always a good idea to mix things up and include plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and other nutritious foods in your diet.

Popular Mettwurst Recipes

Here are some fun and delicious recipes to try with Mettwurst:

Mettwurst Pizza

Why settle for plain old pizza when you can top it with slices of flavorful Mettwurst? Get creative with your toppings—add your favourite cheese, veggies, and sauce for a tantalizing and satisfying meal.

Mettwurst Pasta

Elevate your pasta game by adding slices or crumbled Mettwurst to your favourite pasta dish. It adds a burst of flavour that pairs beautifully with tomato-based sauces and complements the pasta perfectly.

Mettwurst Salad

Looking for a hearty and refreshing option? Create a delicious salad by combining chopped Mettwurst with crisp lettuce, juicy tomatoes, refreshing cucumbers, and your favourite dressing. It's a great choice for a light lunch or dinner.

Mettwurst Sandwich

Craving a satisfying and flavorful sandwich? Layer slices of Mettwurst on your choice of bread and add some cheese, crisp lettuce, and your favourite condiments. It's a mouthwatering combination that will leave you craving more.

Mettwurst Omelette

Start your day on a protein-packed note with a savoury Mettwurst omelette. Whisk up some eggs, add chopped Mettwurst, and cook it to perfection. It's a hearty breakfast or brunch option that will keep you energized throughout the day.

These recipes are just the beginning. Feel free to let your culinary creativity run wild and experiment with different flavours and ingredients to make Mettwurst the superstar of your dishes. Enjoy!

Where to Buy and Store Mettwurst

Ready to satisfy your craving for some mouthwatering Mettwurst? Good news! You have several options when it comes to finding this delectable German sausage:

  • Local Butcher Shop: Head to your friendly neighborhood butcher shop to get your hands on some fresh and top-notch Mettwurst. The knowledgeable folks there can guide you in selecting the perfect variety to satisfy your taste buds.
  • Gourmet Food Stores: If you're looking for a wider range of international products, check out speciality or gourmet food stores. They often carry a diverse selection of Mettwurst for you to choose from.
  • Online Retailers: Can't find a local source? No worries! Many online retailers specialize in German foods and sausages. With just a few clicks, you can explore a variety of Mettwurst options and have them delivered right to your doorstep.

Now that you've scored your Mettwurst, it's time to store it properly to maintain its delectable quality and freshness. Here are a few handy tips:

  • Refrigeration: Preserve the freshness of your Mettwurst by storing it in the refrigerator. Keep it cool and prevent spoilage. Make sure you seal it tightly to avoid any unwanted contamination.
  • Freezing: Got a surplus of Mettwurst or want to extend its shelf life? Freeze it! Wrap the sausages tightly in plastic wrap or stash them in airtight containers before popping them in the freezer.
  • Expiration Date: Before indulging in your Mettwurst, always check the expiration date on the package. For the tastiest experience, savour it before it reaches its expiration date.

Now that you know where to buy Mettwurst and how to store it best, you're all set to enjoy this scrumptious German sausage in your home.


Mettwurst German sausage is absolutely delicious and incredibly versatile. It has such a fascinating history and comes in countless flavours and styles. Whether you're indulging in classic recipes or getting creative with them in your dishes, Mettwurst is guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds.

And let's not forget about its nutritional value and those amazing flavours. You can enjoy it as a special treat or even make it a regular part of your meals. Whether you're picking some up from your local butcher or storing it at home, savour the incredible flavours and appreciate the culinary heritage that comes with this German delicacy.

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