German Street Food Hire: London & Surrounding Areas - Our Story Part 2

Street Food for Hire

[thb_message type="info"]At Bish Bash Bangers we offer you fantastic German street food hire (London & surrounding areas).
We specialise in grilling German sausages and we work from our fantastic catering stall.
We cook with love street food for events, weddings, Christmas parties, birthdays, retirement parties, office parties, etc.
We come with everything (including our gazebo!) so you only have to worry about eating our tasty sausages : )

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"Our Story - Part 1" covered the birth of the idea and also how Saucey, our lovely angry pig (icon part of the logo) was born.

Here he is again:


Here I will tell you a little about the development of the logo, which was not always looking like this:

Final version of our logo


At some point we decided to break the words "Bish Bash Bangers" into 2 lines (the stroke came much later).


Looking for a font was easy; I was left with two options and I went for a free font called: Titan One (you can find it here and it is 100% free for commercial use).

[thb_message type="notice"]I wasn't sure which font to choose out of my two last options. I then saw on facebook that someone I know had named his dog "Titan". Then, I knew 😉 [/thb_message]

The font for the "Berlin is Sizzling" bit is called Mail Ray Stuff and you can download it for free on Dafont.

Many Versions

Our logo went through lots of changes before we had the finished version.

We had Saucey with horns, then we changed the horns for his cute little ears.

The gradient around the eye area also changed as in the end I wanted him to give out the same feeling as a character in a comic I used to read when I was a little girl back in Spain (the comic book was called "Don Miki").

The character I am referring to was called "Patomas", Donald Duck's alter ego, and I used to LOVE IT!!


You see the dark areas around the eyes? I always thought the effect was fantastic, and so I ended up applying a gradient to Saucey that would emulate the same feeling (something similar to wearing a mask). That instantly made Saucey my hero : )

If you look at Saucey you will see that the gradient is really subtle, but I was happy with the result.

Katja also liked very much a version we had with flames. We were going to keep it but a nagging voice was telling me inside that the logo had to visually go to the point without much paraphernalia. And so the lovely flames had to go...

Sometimes I think the flames would have done a fantastic job as part of the logo, but I know I made the right decision. Anyway, I always had the idea that in the future we would do even more versions of Saucey to point at different dishes (angel Saucey, rock Saucey, innocent Saucey, etc - you get the idea)...

Finally we needed a name. I asked and someone said straight away: "Saucey!"

So Saucey it stayed.


Please tell us about your event.

We usually get back straight away:)
© 2024, Bish Bash Bangers Hot Dog Catering. All rights reserved.